Lori Reising | The Creative and Healing Power of the Divine Feminine Energy in All of Us

Lori Reising is the founder of The Raw and Wild Hearts, a therapeutic practice and podcast where she supports and guides people into their inherent truth to magnetize the lives they came here to thrive from. She joins Nicole for a heartfelt conversation on the essence of human awakening and living as a spiritual being in this dense 3D world. She reveals how her personal struggles, including giving birth to a stillborn daughter and a near-death experience, led her to the profound realization that her path transcends traditional motherhood to include the divine nurturing of the collective. Lori’s insights into self-mothering, unlearning societal constraints, destroying our culture of fear, and aligning with our “soul blueprint” highlight the power of inner trust and the importance of community in finding our purpose, or as Lori says, our own personal North Star, in this lifetime.

Show Notes:

  • Nicole: [00:00:03] Welcome to Here For Me, a podcast about the power of choosing yourself. I'm Nicole Christie, and I'm honored you're joining me for stories and conversations about life's disruptions, derailments, and transitions.

    On this podcast, we talk about navigating challenges, walking through fire and along the way learning to show up for ourselves. Because, just as we say “I'm here for you” to show we care for someone, saying “I'm here for me” to ourselves is the best form of self-care.

    Today I'm talking with Lori Reising. Lori is the founder of The Raw and Wild Hearts, a therapeutic practice and podcast where she supports and guides people into their inherent truth to magnetize the lives they came here to thrive from.

    Lori is a healer on many levels as an educator, speaker, sacred guide, star channeler, intuitive astrologer, and more. She's on a mission to destroy our culture of fear and scarcity and drive us toward connection and alignment.

    We'll talk with Lori today about her fascinating work and unique journey, particularly her pursuit of traditional motherhood and how it led her to embracing her maternal instincts in a different way as a mother to the collective. We'll discuss what this and other forms of mothering look like in a world that primarily defines motherhood as child rearing.

    Lori has a flair for delivering evolutionary truths and quantum healing with humor, vulnerability, and deep passion, and this conversation is no exception.

    Lori, welcome to Here For Me.

    Lori: [00:01:45] Hi Nicole, thank you so much for having me. I am really excited for this deep dive.

    Nicole: [00:01:50] I am so excited to talk with you. You have such a moving story, a powerful story, and one that is truly unique. And I can't wait to talk to you about you as a spiritual being in this very dense 3D world.

    So I would love for you to talk about what that means, first of all. I think particularly, as your experience, your identity and purpose, and even some of the language may be new to listeners and I would love to enlighten them. I'd love you to enlighten them about what this means, what this work is that you do.

    So walk us through your earthly journey and how it brought you to your purpose and the work you're doing.

    Lori: [00:02:31] I've actually been doing a lot of reflection on this. It feels like we're in a really big season of endings, like I'm seeing that happen all around, and it's incredibly powerful, and I feel like we're going to get pretty deep into this today.

    But I'm really living a life of death and rebirth over and over and over. And I think as humans we feel into this experience as so normalized. But actually this is the surprise, is the humanity.

    The normalization is our spirit. It's our infinite self. It's our light body. It's that soul, that essence that makes us who we are. It's our unique soul's blueprint. So what I've come to is I'm actually having a human awakening. I'm not having a spiritual awakening.

    I came in awakened. And so I've gone through deep, deep spaces of density in this human reality and very intense wounding and healing as a result. So I've pretty much walked around as the wounded healer. And now as I approach what's known as the Chiron Return, and I know that that's probably something a lot of people haven't heard of before, but that's right around 50 years old. And that's really the spiritual integration, that's that wounded healer. And it comes to know the purpose, the unfolding, the beauty of it all.

    It just comes together in such a beautiful way. And I think it's really interesting that it happens at what we now would deem as midlife. And what a beautiful turning point.

    So I came in as a starseed when I was a kid. I remember sitting in church, I was adopted, and I grew up in a very small conservative town, and I would sit around and I would look at all these really intense, violent images. And I didn't understand because I was like, why are we being sheep? How can we drop into this space of what's possible that we've never experienced before? Because that's the creators that we came to be. That's actually the gig of this human body and human experience. But we've created such a density, as you've said around us, that we get fractured and we get disconnected from the power that we really are as the spirit, as the body, as the energy.

    You know, we always hear body, mind, spirit. But the thing is, it's body, mind, spirit energy. And the energy piece is coming so alive. We work with energy before anything else. And that's something that shifts our entire perspective of this experience.

    And so I ask you all to just feel in your body what happens as Nicole and I exchange here, instead of just hearing it with your mind? Because that's who I came to be.

    I'm here to get to the root and the frequency that I share, it's not just my words, will actually plant a seed and it will unravel from there, but you have to be available for it. This is a co-creative process always.

    So my journey has just been deep, wounding and deep healing, because I've had that North Star of knowing what's possible. I've known what happens in those places of ascension and those places of enlightenment and I've always known that I can get there, no matter how far I get taken down or how much shadow shows up in my life. So when you can start to look at all of these experiences in your past and as we look as a collective at the experiences in history and we really open them up to the greatest energy or learning that they can be, instead of holding us back and holding us hostage to them whether it's our personal journey or the entire collectives wow, we are unstoppable, because that puts us in our creator energy.

    Nicole: [00:06:26] What you're talking about is so beautiful. I love that you were like, the energy piece of it. That is something that I feel like I've maybe only really come online to in the last year and a half, and you and I talked about this a little bit. I'm fascinated by the human awakening because we've talked on this podcast with people who are going through spiritual awakenings. I identify as that as well.

    Can you talk about what it is like to come into the world as this starseed, as a spiritual being, what that means and what a human awakening is like?

    Lori: [00:06:55] When you come in and you just know that's when it's hard to be here. As a kid, you feel very isolated, you feel misunderstood, you feel like you just aren't meant to be here and the people around you don't make sense because you're starting to tap into how culture has created that conditioning or programming and that becomes our way of life.

    But you know that there's so much more. You know that there's an expansiveness and you have all of those senses. You're living from your sensory self rather than from the mind conditioning that the culture around has done so for me as a kid, because I ended up away from my blood, away from my biology, so I had no reference for anything about this being. I actually ended up bonding with nature and with animals and so I spent most of my time sitting in nature, by the river, in a tree or you could find me and I was playing with whatever animal I could get my hands on, domestic or wild, it didn't matter.

    So that just became my frame of reference and there can be markers in your astrological chart that are points that you have conjunctions, especially with these different galactic points or galactic centers in the universe. If you've heard somebody like Dr. Joe Dispenza talk about the Quantum Field. It can also be known as the Akashic records, I call it the Realm of Uncondition. It's the space, the living library of knowledge. It's where all life, all energy is known. So what I know is that we all have that within us.

    Like I said, I can reference when I was sitting in church because I sat there a lot through my young years. I went to a Catholic school. I was at church every Sunday, so I had a lot of time to contemplate this and I could sense that God was in us. But yet I was in this space where they were telling me that God was out there, and that never made sense to me. So I felt like I was out of alignment as a child for a really long time and that's why I kept trying to leave, because it was too painful to be here. I had so much feeling and yet the feeling wasn't acknowledged and it wasn't celebrated in this world. And I know a lot of us can relate to that, especially as kids. We get shut down over and over and over because we are trained to be the comfort of those around us. So if we create discomfort for the adults, they shut it down, so we just learn to keep shutting down the true light, which is the energy and the soul and essence of us, and we start following what we're told is the path to success.

    So for me, in the human awakening, I went through so many experiences. As a kid I was labeled as manic depressive and I was on all the antidepressants, all the things. And in those experiences, because the thing that did help me stay was that star seed knowledge. I knew where I could get, I knew I could get out of it and I knew I could get back into alignment, back into how I feel or felt as a child in nature or when I'm with animals. That was the North Star that always fueled my life, no matter what came crashing down around me. And with being adopted, ultimately being abandoned. As a baby, I literally was taken out and wheeled into another room. I wasn't touched.

    Fast forward to when I was 31 and my daughter was stillborn. My soul and spirit felt it as if I was abandoning her. So I went through a 10-year process, just like you hear, the dark night of the soul, which is usually what leads to a spiritual awakening. This was a dark decade and it was so intense and so profound for me to now be here where I help people find the magic, even in death. This is busting through the way that we're trained in this culture and it's liberating loads of women. It's liberating us from what has created such a repression of our power, of that magic, that spark, and it's really lighting us up in a way that we haven't been in generations.

    Nicole: [00:11:29] You talked about the whole piece of it, of trying to leave this world. Can you talk about how that manifested for you?

    Lori: [00:11:37] I had taken a lot of pills. In the middle of the night my mom had heard me and she said, something's wrong, Lori's up and she's not making sense. And my dad said oh, it's fine, just go back to bed, she'll be fine. And she tried to go back to bed and she had that mothering instinct within her and she said no, there's something wrong, we have to get up. And because of my mom being persistent and listening to that intuitive voice, that message that was received in her heart, even though something external was telling her don't worry about it, just go back to bed. Because of that, here I am doing the work that I'm doing and impacting lives.

    What I used to call myself was a fear culture destroyer. That's how powerful it is and that's what we need to do, because we don't have time not to. I'm tired of people living and dying in this space of struggle. It's unnecessary. We live in this amazing, benevolent, abundant world and we have enough for everyone and it's time that we start living from that and believing in that and creating that in our physical reality.

    Nicole: [00:12:46] I have a quote from you where you talked about, this is a place where the raw, unfiltered, wild hearts gather to celebrate triumphs, learn from each other, grow together, and break down a culture rooted in fear. I love [00:13:00] that that is driving you, that that's your mission.

    Why is it important to break down that culture that's rooted in fear and scarcity? Because it is, that is this dense 3D world that you were talking about at the beginning of the conversation. What are you doing to do that? And why is it so important?

    Lori: [00:13:15] Because it's a tragedy. It's a tragedy that we're not living in our full empowerment, we're not living from the God self that we are. However you feel into God, creator, source. If that's something that resonates with you, when you continue to put it outside of yourself, that's moving from a scarcity or a lack mindset, and when you realize that you have all the power within, that you activate that God self within you can look at as abundant consciousness or Christ consciousness, instead of seeing again if this resonates with you the story of Jesus Christ, seeing Jesus Christ as this one deity, this one being.

    That only happened at one time and then we just do whatever we do and we have no connection to that.

    That's how you are held out of your power, that's how you're continued to be kept disconnected, because then you can be manipulated through emotion and through fear, and that's when the power can be so imbalanced. But when you realize how the ultimate root of everything becomes your belief system, like we are so powerful in that anything is possible.

    So many people live and die in this state of despair, the state of imbalance, the state of hopelessness, and they believe that I'm sentenced to this because I don't have the money, so I can't do the thing, deepest dreams and desires. But when we continue to place the power outside of us, whether it's in the educational system, the medical system, the religious system and, I'm dropping this here, the system of science when I say science I even mean science and history we have to really look at that, because the medical system got our body, the religious system got our soul, the educational system got our mind and, drum roll please, science got our energy.

    Nicole: [00:15:15] Oh, wow.

    Lori: [00:15:16] Yeah, because we are energy before we're anything else and we've been trying to go backwards from it. We've been trying to force this physicality when it all begins at the root, in the energy. So I would love to hear, Nicole, how does that show up for you in the work that you do?

    Nicole: [00:15:34] I've always been aware of it. I've always been aware of energy out in the world, in between people, and connecting, and intuition and signs and synchronicities. I would say I'm very early in the spiritual awakening process, maybe like a couple of years in at the most. But for me it started as signs and synchronicities and then I felt myself suddenly not being judgmental. I could see everyone's just on their path. I was so judgmental.

    Similar to you, I grew up in a very conservative Christian household where everything is, you know, judged and black and white and right and wrong, and I would look at people and be like what is with this person? They're so fucked up, like don't they see what's going on? All of a sudden that stopped happening. That was one of the first things where I realized oh, I see you on your path, it's okay, I can hold space for you here. We're on different vibrations. That became a new thing for me and I spent four years going through a dark night of the soul with health issues and an abusive marriage and leaving a career that was great but not aligned for me and finding this work.

    And all of that happened within four years, just boom, boom, boom. And all of a sudden, it was a moment in April of 2022, where I felt like I was hit by lightning and everything went white and suddenly things started to make sense to me. I was like and you know, as most people do, and I'm sure your clients tell you this and you're used to it, I was like I'm crazy, I'm losing my mind. I didn't talk about it with anybody, but I started to just be very calm, be not afraid of death, because I realized there's a difference between the physical and the soul. Not be attached to the body, almost curious. Not that I want to leave this earth anytime soon, because I think I've just come online to my purpose after years of knowing what it was, but not how to express it.

    So that, for me, is how I became aware of energy, became aware of the speck in the world that I am, but also the power that I have. But that really key piece of energy was almost like seeing people and understanding. I see where that happened to you as a human and that's a trauma-informed experience, but it's okay, you're sorting it out, you're figuring it out. I just hold space now and I don't come through everything with that 3D judgmental mindset. So to hear you talk about this, I'm like thank you. I feel like I'm just breathing very deeply.

    Lori: [00:17:47] Yes, and that's the thing. What's happening is you have found your space of trust.

    So we've been so disconnected from trusting ourselves. We've been disconnected from trusting each other and we've been disconnected from trusting life. So when you really, not just think that you trust life, but when you live it, when you feel it in your experience, in your cells, the liberation is divine. It's exquisite. This is a quote from Abraham-Hicks. If you don't know who Abraham-Hicks is, like…

    Nicole: [00:18:23] Check it out. Google. It's amazing. Yes.

    Lori: [00:18:24] They said, “There's no death. There's life and life.”

    And that's something that has really come into my experience. All of my children have grown wings. And as an adopted child, my biggest dream in this world was to have a biological child.

    I almost felt like it was owed to me because I didn't get to grow up with anybody that was biologically related to me. And I just felt like such an outsider and so foreign.

    Nicole: [00:18:52] And your birth experience of not having that skin-to-skin contact, that's so important to have that talk more about that.

    Lori: [00:18:57] Yeah, that was where it felt like that was my calling. My calling was to be the most nurturing mother that I could possibly be. It felt like everything that I was discovering in my life, especially spiritually, I couldn't wait to pass that on to my daughter because I didn't get that from my own blood or my own lineage.

    So when I really dropped into the power of there being no death, there is just life and life. And this has been an unfolding since Duniya passed, and I've been mothering her in spirit and she's been mothering me. And when I really started to open up to the greater purpose of thi, what did her and I agree to by taking on this experience? And believe me, there were years where I was like, I don't want to be the mother. I don't want to be the one left here. I would have rather been her. I would have rather went back to spirit and expansion and energy and light.

    And so I had to grapple with being in a culture that didn't make sense, that I didn't get to have that, and that comparison. Oh, that judgment. And I went through complete isolation.

    I pushed everybody out of my life. I couldn't be in children's lives and my friends' children's lives. It was a very deep, dark journey that I traversed. And if nothing else, what I want to show is look at me now.

    No matter where you are, if you find that North Star, if you find that belief system and that belief system can become the community, the mentors, the coaches, the teachers, the friends, the groups, whoever it is that creates that belief system and what's possible that you have not experienced, you will get there. But you have to be the co-creator in it.

    And I came to a point where I was basically dying while I was living. I had made a promise to myself when I woke up in that hospital room and saw my parents' faces, that I would never try to leave the earth again. And that's stuck in me. And I'm so grateful for that.

    But after my daughter was, what I felt like, abandoned by me in the energy, even though that wasn't the reality, there came a point where I had to make the decision. I had to say I don't think this is normal to feel this way in life. I know there's another way. I don't know how to get there now, but I know I have to start taking the steps to get there. And that's what I did, and some of it was the hardest things I've ever done.

    I left my marriage, my childhood sweetheart, I left her father and had to rebuild a whole life. But now to be at this place if you can even tap into how we're here to transcend, we're here to rebirth, we're here to go through the death of ourselves, of our thoughts, of what we believe, and when you can really be in that space of the creators that we really are, you can go anywhere in your life, from anywhere, and that's the most liberating free space that we can possibly live in.

    Nicole: [00:22:18] I love that perspective and that shift for you. You mentioned the judgment and the comparison and having to isolate yourself and pull yourself away from your friends' children while you grieve and go through this and really have that rebirth of yourself.

    I'm curious if you felt that not only are you going through your own grieving, losing your child, having your daughter being stillborn, as a woman in this culture, not mothering in a traditional way, which I would say is child rearing, and I don't have children either…came to that in a different way.

    But did you feel judgment from others as a woman in this world? You have a daughter, you have Duniya, she is a spiritual being. But from others who see, no you don't, can you talk about what that's like?

    Lori: [00:23:00] Yeah, I have to go back a little bit in perspective, because what I know now is the only judgments from others are actually judgments from ourselves. We have no idea what other people are thinking, but we create a lens of what we think they perceive us as and it really still comes back to us. So it's the stories that we create. So, yeah, I absolutely had those stories. Those stories were rampant, they were huge and I gathered evidence for them because of the discomfort that people had in my presence, because they didn't know what to say, because they wanted it to just be done and gone. And there are still days I grieve hard that she's not here with me.

    But what I've come to realize is mothering has actually been almost weaponized against us. It's been commodified, it's been sold to us and that's put us into this comparison and this competition and this one upping each other. And that comes from the isolation of mothering, because we were meant to mother in communities and when we mother in communities, there's a level of trust that comes in there that we release, we surrender, we no longer control and try to drive the way the mothering happens and we trust. So we come back to that trust piece and, honestly, if we would be in that beautiful community type of mothering, there wouldn't be the commodification of mothering, there wouldn't be the weaponization of it, because we all know that we're mothering.

    Mothering is the divine feminine energy within us. It's not the actuality of having a baby in your body or adopting a baby. That's not it. Mothering is so much bigger than that. But if the powers that be can keep us disconnected from that kind of transcendent and empowered energy, they can keep us limited. They can keep us in, I'm right, you're wrong, in duality that divides us, and they can keep us in isolation.

    When we get out of isolation, and when we come together in groups, when we come together in that space of trust, of love, of really a heart-led life, then everyone becomes the mother of your child. And then it's no longer a one-dimensional thing, and there's such a creator energy to it. Because we've associated our womb with a baby and that's the medicalization of it.

    The womb has babies that come through, but the womb has ideas. It has creation. It has the life energy that pulsates through it. It has your ancestry. It has your DNA. It has the evolution of the species without the actual creation of a human. And if we start to get expansive of what can happen when we inhabit our wombs in that way. Wow.

    Nicole: [00:26:12] There's so much more born out of divine feminine energy, right, what you're saying, than a child, which is what our society, our culture would like us to think.

    What I love about you and what you do is how you have fully embraced, tapped into that and you're mothering in so many ways. You're a mother to your daughter, you're a mother to plants and animals, you're a mother to the collective, you're a mother to the people that you work with. You're a mother to the world.

    I would just love our culture to expand the conversation of motherhood the way that you are doing. So when we think about all the ways that we can tap into that divine feminine energy, tap into that womb to create, can you talk about what that can look like?

    Lori: [00:27:02] And I feel like I'm going to add to that list. Most importantly, I'm a mother to myself.

    Nicole: [00:27:07] Oh, say more about that because this is Here For Me, girl.

    Lori: [00:27:10] I mean, that's the thing. When we realize that we blame so much on our childhoods, our parents, we're always looking for some reason that we are the way that we are, instead of really coming within and finding the inner resources, finding the self love.

    And when you can mother yourself, nothing else matters. You can move through anything.

    And the reality of this human life is we're here to move through difficulty. We're here to have challenge. And we've been sold that, if we buy the thing, if we follow the person, the challenge is going to get easier. But what if we embrace the challenge and realize that as our own mother, as our own creator, when we receive, that's when we get the divine guidance. That's when we get the ease of moving through the challenges. But when we resist them because something outside of us is supposed to make it better, that's when we're looking for somebody else or something else to mother us.

    Then that's going to create the limitation and hold us back the way that we've been held back. You all know that struggle, that internal struggle, the trigger that keeps coming back, it's going to keep coming back until you come to this realization. It doesn't matter what your gender is or how you identify. We all have divine feminine energy within us, and it has been fractured from us for thousands of years. And we are now in the time that it comes back in power.

    Nicole: [00:28:46] What you were saying about mothering the self, and even traditional talk therapy is coming online with the idea of reparenting, I love what you said about sitting through discomfort, sitting through challenges. You'll probably relate to this because we have, I think, similar childhoods, but my mother is constantly wanting the challenges to stop, wanting all the bad things–I'm doing that in quotes–to stop, and she's always saying to me okay, so now things will settle down or you're done. And I've been telling her no, there's always more.

    And if we lean into it and just let it take us where it needs to take us, and be like this doesn't mean it's bad. It also doesn't mean, I think we live in a world where challenges is, what are you doing wrong? You must be doing something wrong if something is happening to you.

    So, as you're talking about that, of leaning into challenges, leaning into adversity, and what you said about, it leads you to this divine guidance. That's what I learned going through the traumas of four years, of like this is never gonna stop. But look at how I've grown and evolved and ascended. Look at how I don't see this world as judgmental. I don't see that anything happens to anybody as bad or wrong or result of their upbringing or their choices or whatever. So that is a beautiful way to mother yourself, of just lean into challenges. It's here to teach you something and if you let it teach you, you raise your vibration, you raise your frequency and, I think, the concept of mothering ourselves as well as whatever we contribute.

    I made a conscious choice not to have children. And I was having my fertility tested at 39, and in the process of that, I realized I'm not called to do this. Oh my God. All I've ever thought of is that I would do this. I am called to mother the world through creativity and through my contribution as a writer, as a storyteller who connects with humans in this way.

    So I love the idea of this.

    Lori: [00:30:39] Yeah, and I want to take us back to what do you believe? For example, your mother believes that there's some finite goal and that's going to make everything better, because that's what we're sold. So you really have to let yourself come out of your stream of consciousness.

    First of all, you've got to break that, because we are energy and we are absorptive. So before you hear the words, you're already pulling in whatever the energy is of whatever you're listening to and our subconscious doesn't discern. It doesn't say oh yeah, that's good and that's bad, so I'll just keep the good, but I'm gonna let go of the bad. It just takes the energy. So, whatever it is, it comes in.

    And that's why the belief system, the stories that we have are so important to look at. When you realize that there's no end. Just like I said, there's no death, there's life and life. When you realize that we're just this form and there's no end, that this is infinite, it's an unfolding journey. Oh my gosh, you're empowered right there.

    You're no longer seeking and searching and you're here in the present moment where all is available. But if you're so distracted and you're so focused on this linear path, you're missing the ease that wants to come in. and guide you in a different way.

    And when I say science got our energy, when we're just looking for, is it factual, is it right, or is it wrong? Is it one dimensional? Then we have already negated 90% of this being and how it came to perform in its best possible way, in its brightest light. And so the thing with the finite goal, you've got to realize that, without the challenge or without the shadow, we actually wouldn't be human.

    So when you start to use duality to guide you instead of divide you, you're unstoppable. Anything is possible. And when we can get out of this focus of, I can't do it because I don't have the money. That's the limiter. Again, that's something that we've been sold that keeps us complacent. It keeps us small and it keeps us dim.

    You have to drop into your belief system, first and foremost, and that's the energy. That's the emotional intelligence, the root that we have to work with. And everything comes from there.

    In my work, I'm always looking at the root. How do we get to the root of this? So even when I was a body worker, when I was physically doing body work, not even just with the energy, I educated myself to get to the root.

    The root is the pelvic bowl of the body. But we have such a fear around intimacy that most people will never have their pelvic bowls touched. And that's where all the creator energy lives. That's the mothering energy. That's the transcendent energy.

    And if we only reserve it for a certain section of the population that decide to have babies through their body, decide to bring humans into the world, then we're powerless as a humanity, as a collective.

    But when you realize that the pelvic bowl, we all do come from a womb, no matter what, we have all moved through a womb, no matter how you identify. That’s the transcended energy. That's the DNA. That's how we continue the evolution of the species. So you take the power of that and you take that into your creations, your ideas, your manifestations.

    And that becomes the visual and the desire and the dream of your life. And that's when you start living in alignment with who you came to be, with your unique soul's blueprint, your innate medicine. Because we all came here to be healers. We didn't come here to do the same thing, but we share the healing of our lives when we move through the transformation of it instead of the resistance of where to go.

    And when we're resisting the challenge or the struggle or the precipice, the trauma, even, it keeps us stuck. And I'm going to come back to the beginning right here, Nicole, here it is. This is why I do what I do, because I think it's a tragedy that many people live and die in that stuck space.

    And I'm saying no more, we don't have time. It's ridiculous, and I'm done with it.

    Nicole: [00:35:09] I love the idea of the soul blueprint, what you said and I believe this as well about soul contracts, soul blueprints. We come into this world for a reason, we incarnate into this world for a reason. The challenges, we signed up for those. If you resist that, you're resisting what you came here to do and, like you said, there are people that die in that stuck state and it's heartbreaking.

    So I just want to thank you for being here in this earthly lifetime to break down that culture of fear and scarcity and lack. And you're right, we are taught that whatever's happening to us is wrong. Our world has taught us, look outside yourself, find a medication.

    And yes, there are many healing modalities that are wonderful, but to me and to you, they're intended to unlock you, not fix you and make something go away, because the symptoms or whatever you're experiencing are there to serve you. So if you're tapping into Reiki or you're working with someone like yourself, you're trying to unlock and ascend, not stay where you're at, and so many people I think are just, I want to stay here. I don't want to let this challenge take me forward.

    I just did Reiki for the first time when I was in Maui and it was one of the most traumatic and beautiful things I've ever experienced. It was incredibly difficult but I let it take me there and I had a wonderful Reiki master who said it's going to be painful for a while if you do it right, like lean into it. I had to work through some real trauma and release it. But what was on the other side of that? And she even said, I saw your inner child and your adult self integrate and rise to the divine and I'd never seen that before.

    So if you use those tools to unlock and let you ascend instead of keep you here, that's what we're here to do in the world and stop seeking outside of ourselves to stop something. So thank you for introducing that to people and helping them understand. We have a soul blueprint. We're called to fulfill it by not resisting what this human experience is giving us.

    Lori: [00:37:09] Yeah, absolutely. And the thing is, the way that we stay in that cycle is, it creates overwhelm. And the reason that we're overwhelmed is not just that we're tired, it’s that we're out of alignment. There is no energy. There's exhaustion because there's a level of resistance in there.

    And so it's important for us to realize that because so often we don't believe in our time. So we're like, I can't do that because I'm so overwhelmed. But when you start to do the thing that inches you into alignment, then you feel the results, then you create the value. and time becomes something that's a beautiful thing, and you start doing the practice more and more, and that's the unraveling that leads you on the new paths.

    So the thing is, this life is not one and done. This isn't a life of one size, forced all. It's an unfolding. It's the journey. It's the experience of life. But when we're so far focused into the future and what we're told the goal is and how to get there, then we miss all of the richness and the alive energy that wants to come in and help us and take us way further and way higher than that goal ever was.

    So I honor you for bringing that in because it's so important to hear that. And it's important that when your body gives you the message, like, ooh, this is interesting. Oh, but I don't have time, but wait, let me follow my body instead of my mind, because the mind is the programmed loop that will bring in the pattern.

    Because your mind believes you don't have time for anything, but your body's saying, do this and you're going to find something new. So that's the nervous system. It's the body. It's the innate guidance system that is literally trying to make it easier for you in this life. Because what we do in our culture, in the imbalanced masculine, is we're moving at such a fast pace, we're hustling and grinding and we're working harder, that we just band-aid whatever the symptom is, whatever's coming in so that we can keep going.

    And that's what's going to lead us to the burnout. It's going to lead us to the overwhelm. And again, back to the mental health challenges, the depression, because we become so much more and more out of alignment. So it's like really finding the people, the modalities, the thing that might scare you because you know you're ready.

    So, I often talk to people about this, when you’re on the precipice, where do you go? Because when we fear the unknown, which is honestly, science has done this to us. Science is like, oh no, you have to prove it. If it's not proven, it's not real. So then it takes us completely out of our mothering, our receptivity, and our creator energy, because we're looking in the past and the history to live our life moving forward. And then that keeps us in the stories and the pain of the past as well.

    Nicole: [00:40:04] What you just said about the science piece of it, it takes you out of yourself. And you mentioned it at the beginning of the conversation. It takes you out of trust. Like I have to prove absolutely everything. And I can't trust that there is an all knowing that something that can't be proven, which is often, I think, a seed for where the most beautiful things happen.

    So thank you for sharing that, you have shared so much wisdom. You're blowing my mind, and I'm certain you're blowing everyone else's mind and giving them this new way of looking at things and understanding.

    You're here for a purpose. How do you figure out what it is? Of everything that you have shared, what is one piece of advice that you would leave with listeners about how to be here for themselves while they are in this lifetime on earth?

    Lori: [00:40:54] I was just feeling into that a little bit and what came through powerfully at one moment is, change your stream of consciousness. How do you want your life to unfold?

    And look at where your consciousness is absorbing all day long and see if those are congruent, see if they're aligned, because most of the time they're not. And when you start aligning to where you desire and you dream to go, it actually starts happening and it starts opening new avenues and paths for you. If you're there and available in the present moment to grab them and to say yes to them, if you follow your body consciousness, it will lead you in the most divine, highest purpose of your soul, because that's what it's here for.

    We've just been denying it. We've been taught to deny it for generations. We are disrupting our lineage's resistance. Now that's how big this time is that's happening. So when you're finding the challenges and struggles that come through about scarcity, especially in lack, a lot of times they're not even yours, they're not even from your experience. We're not needing to learn so much. We're actually unlearning. You can trust yourself that you're gonna get the knowledge of where to go, instead of having to continually seek it out or find that expert narrative or whatever it is that we've been sold.

    Nicole: [00:42:22] You just encapsulated it so perfectly about unlearning. That's a beautiful word about the way that we are conditioned to fear ourselves, I think, more than anything.

    And how do you stop fearing yourself? I love what you said about when you're scared. It's because you're ready.

    Lori, you are a gift and a light. We will put in the show notes where people can find you and work with you.

    I just want to thank you so much for sharing your story, sharing some of the painful moments of your human journey, how you have embraced who you are as you came in as a spiritual being having a human awakening.

    Lori: [00:43:00] Ah, thank you so much, Nicole. This has been activating. These are the conversations. These are the streams of consciousness.

    This is the perfect example of now just notice what shows up for you. Trust that something has been planted, and it's ready to be known in a new way and be available for it. Stay present because that's where you're going to find it.

    Nicole: [00:43:28] Lori Reising has lived a fascinating, gut wrenching, yet incredibly purposeful life. She embodies the idea that we all come to Earth with a purpose, and that we come into that purpose by not resisting struggle, instead seeing it as our teacher, leaning into it, trusting ourselves and mothering ourselves.

    Doing so is what allows us to cultivate a life in alignment with our purpose. Or, as Lori explained, with our soul blueprint. This language of spiritual awakening, or in Lori's case, human awakening, a vibration, frequency, consciousness, and the 3D and 5D realms are relatively new to me, as I find myself on an awakening path of my own.

    I recommend learning more about these concepts as they bring great peace and comfort and understanding why we're here, as well as recognizing, as Lori said, that it's not life and death, it's life and life. And that we're all in different places on the path, not on different paths altogether.

    It's worth examining what we're here to do in this lifetime. All of us healers in our own way.

    It's worth considering how we can all be mothers, harnessing the divine feminine energy within all of us that serves as creative power and divine guidance. Not just women having babies.

    It's worth recognizing that, first and foremost, we mother ourselves, that when we find love and resources within us, we no longer seek outside us. Instead, we channel that love, those resources, the resulting energy into our purpose, which serves the collective just as we once mothered in community.

    Most of all, it's worth seeking alignment with our purpose, because misalignment, more than anything, is what causes us to live in a stuck space. To be overwhelmed, to be tired, to seek outside ourselves for a person, a product, a path that will take away the exhaustion, the pain, the suffering.

    Finding that alignment, that North Star that's uniquely yours is the best way to mother yourself. And as Lori said, no matter where you are, when you find that North Star, you will get there.

    Here For Me is produced by Lens Group Media in association with Tulla Productions. As is often said, it takes a village to make this podcast, and my deepest gratitude goes out to every person in that village: our producers Dave Nelson and Stacy Harris, our audio editor, JD Delgado, designer and illustrator Amy Senftleben, and our production assistant, Sarah Carefoot. If you enjoyed this episode, I'd love it if you'd follow the show, rate, review, and share it with people you love. You can also follow me on Instagram at nicolejchristie. Until next time, thank you so much for listening—here's to you being here for you and to the power of choosing yourself.


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